Oil-Free, Reciprocating Compressors

W Series 3-20HP

Oil-Free, Reciprocating Compressors (3-20 HP)


  • Dry crankcase, 100% oil-free.
  • Continuous duty cycle.
  • Single and two-stage configurations.
  • Heavy-duty construction and low RPM design for longer service life.
  • High-precision grease-lubricated bearings.
  • Corrosion-free inlet type intake valve made of stainless steel and coated with high-temperature-resistant material, effectively reducing noise and improving service life.
  • Die-cast aluminum alloy connecting rods.
  • Crankcase fed with a ventilation system on both sides to enormously reduce operating temperature and increase bearing service life.
  • Balanced fan-type flywheel provides a powerful blast of cooling air and smooth operation.
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